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Accounting Manager Jobs in Lujhou

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jobs 1 - 2 of 2
  • Sales Manager/director

  • Lujhou |    Nov 24, 2013
  • Lujhou, New Taipei City - Sanchong, New Taipei City - 三重區‧蘆洲區 待遇 面議 工作職責 *1stly, lead and manage the sales team achieve the sales goal *2ndly, lead and manage the
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  • Sales Manager/director

  • Lujhou |    Nov 24, 2013
  • Lujhou, New Taipei City - Sanchong, New Taipei City - 【外商】 產業類別 電腦通訊視訊 產品介紹 電子零組件 職務說明 職務名稱 Sales Manager/Director 職務類別 國內業務主管 工作地點 三重區‧蘆洲區 待遇 面議 工作職責 *1stly, lead and
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