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Maintenance Engineer Jobs in Southern Taiwan

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jobs 181 - 195 of 229
  • Cs Engineer

  • Kaohsiung |    Oct 25, 2018
  • Kaohsiung City - 技術服務 產業類別: 特殊制程設備 工作說明: -Provide professional field service duties (equipment installations, basic custom...
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  • Forming Engineer

  • Tainan |    Aug 1, 2018 Corning
  • Corning - Tainan City - Major Responsibilities1.Continuously monitor the production process and leading problem analysis through data and recommend strategy and correctiv...
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  • Forming Engineer

  • Tainan |    Aug 1, 2018 Corning
  • Corning - Tainan City - Major Responsibilities 1.Continuously monitor the production process and leading problem analysis through data and recommend strategy and correcti...
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  • Qc Manager

  • Chiayi |    Apr 11, 2018
  • Chiayi County - 製造與工業管理 產業類別: 機械設備五金 工作說明: The QC Manager is responsible for overall development, implementation, and maintenance of the organization's Quality
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  • Senior Software Engineer, Android

  • Tainan |    Mar 23, 2018
  • East District Tainan City - Android app development and maintenance. 請直接點選你想多了解的事項,我們替您反應 1.工作內容不清楚 2.不理解專有名詞 3.交辦事項包括哪些 4.是否會有教育訓練 5.其他 感謝您寶貴的建議,我們將蒐集後彙整給該公司參
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  • Operations Manager

  • Tainan |    Dec 28, 2017 Barco
  • Barco - Tainan City - 1. To support the sales process by delivering goods on time, with agreed quantities within the given quality and cost objectives. 2. To coordinate...
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  • Process Engr I

  • Tainan |    Dec 14, 2017 Corning
  • Corning - Tainan City - Major Responsibilities1.Continuously monitor the production process and leading problem analysis through data and recommend strategy and correctiv...
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  • R&d Engineer

  • Tainan |    Sep 7, 2017 Barco
  • Barco - Tainan City - 1. Design and plan LCD drive circuit, including the establishment of optical specifications and peripheral equipment. 2. Analysis and testing, inc...
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